Greetings, Loyal Reader!
Last post, I discussed how the D&D-themed comic strip Finieous Fingers was a direct inspiration for the entirely handwritten original Jason Cosmo episodes (which only a handful of Original Loyal Readers have read) . Now Finieous was the World’s Greatest Thief, whereas Jason Cosmo was, in his original incarnation, a mercenary fighter. So the main overall influence of the comic on my stories was the overall silly tone.
With one exception. Boredflak.
Boredflak was a wizard buddy of Finieous. He wore sunglasses. He owned a bazooka. The original incarnation of Mercury Boltblaster was pretty much Boredflak in prose. Here is Boredflak in action:
I always loved that line: “Here hold my Foster Grants!” By way of explanation, Finieous and his buddies are attempting to recapture his home city from the Hobbit Thieves Guild. Boredflak is about to help them take the wall:
Wand of Automatic Missile Fire indeed!
Finally, courtesy of GreyBeardGamer, here is a shot of a Boredflak figurine from a line of Finieous Fingers figures I never knew existed:

Boredflak the Wizard
So there you have the true secret origin of Mercury Boltblaster. And a thank you to Finieous Fingers creator J.D. Webster for the entertaining adventures and providing inspiration for writing my own.
Best regards,
Dan McGirt
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Merc was my favorite character in the Jason Cosmo books, and Boredflak was probably my favorite in Finieous Fingers. Certainly “Mercury Boltblaster” was a highly inspired name for a D&D-type magic user.
Glad to see that the Jason Cosmo books are being reprinted. I’ve had to hunt down used copies for friends as gifts, so it’ll be nice to have them more readily available.
I have the Finieous miniatures; as I recall, they all came in a single boxed set. Picked ’em up at a GenCon sometime in the 1980s….
Cliff — Thanks for your comment and for your kind words! The Merc in my original handwritten stories started as more or less a Boredflak clone. The version of the character in the books retains some of those traits (notably the sunglasses) but is a very different character overall. –Dan McGirt