Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Hero Wanted (2009)
A quick update on the status of HERO WANTED. I have finished reviewing and correcting the page proofs and sent those back to the typesetter. She will make the changes in the next few days and return it to me for final approval. At that point the text will be ready for the printer.
Meanwhile, I am also waiting for the final cover proof. The front cover looks great, as you’ve all seen. But there will be, of course, a back cover to go with it. Once that is done the book will be ready to print, inside and out.
In the meantime, I am updating the final manuscript version with the same list of corrections I made to the proofs in preparation for uploading the text to Smashwords, which is where the ebook will be available. If you are interested in reading HERO WANTED as an ebook, I suggest you go ahead and open a Smashwords account (it doesn’t cost anything to do so) and you’ll be ready to go when the book is available there.
Ok, back to work!
Best regards,
Dan McGirt