Greetings, Loyal Reader!
I’ve already mentioned that the artist (or illustrator — not sure if it makes a difference) is already hard at work on the brand new cover art (or illustration, if you prefer) for the first volume of the new Jason Cosmo Series, Hero Wanted.
But I neglected to tell you who he is! If you read the title of this post, you already know it’s Richard Hescox. Mr. Hescox has worked for most of the major publishing houses with Science Fiction or Fantasy lines, producing more than 130 cover paintings. He is a winner of many awards in the field of Science Fiction and Fantasy art.
He has also created advertising art and production designs for films like Swamp Thing, The Howling, The Philadelphia Experiment, E.T., The Dark Crystal, The Fly, The Never-ending Story, Halloween 2, and The Time Bandits (Awesome movie! “Mom! Dad! Don’t touch it! It’s evil!”) among others. He has done art for computer games, magazines, record albums, comic books — oh, just go read his whole bio.
The exciting part for me is that among his many credits, he painted the cover art (or, if you prefer, illustrations) for the original U.S. editions of Jason Cosmo and Royal Chaos.

Jason Cosmo

Royal Chaos
He was there at the beginning and I am very pleased and excited that Richard Hescox’s work will grace the new beginning of the Jason Cosmo series! I’ve seen a pencil sketch of the Hero Wanted cover image and I can’t wait to see it in full glorious color! You’re going to be wowed … stay tuned!
Best regards,
Dan McGirt