Greetings, Loyal Reader!
Here are the opening paragraphs of Jason Cosmo: Hero Wanted: Continue reading
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
Here are the opening paragraphs of Jason Cosmo: Hero Wanted: Continue reading
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
Today I continue my line-by-line edit of Hero Wanted. It is a cold, rainy day — great for editing! I just finished marking up chapter 10. But I realize a blow-by-blow account of the editing process is not an attention grabber. So let’s talk color!
Specifically, that color somewhere between black and white that rhymes with hay. You know how some people see the world in black and white and others see all the shades of this particular color in between? That’s the one I mean.
I’ve always spelled it G-R-E-Y. Continue reading
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
My line edit of the Hero Wanted manuscript is grinding slowly forward. As I noted on Twitter earlier today, I am now about a fourth of the way through the approximately 400 page manuscript, carefully scrutinizing and editing every line.
I thought this was going to be an exercise in checking for typos and looking up obscure points of grammar. After all, I have written this book twice! Surely it is already as good as it will ever be. But as Editor Dan I am finding that the work of Author Dan on this twice told tale can indeed be polished, revised and improved–yes, I believe I am making Hero Wanted a better book than Jason Cosmo ever was.
Let me explain. Continue reading
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
My line-by-line edit of Jason Cosmo: Hero Wanted continues. I’m camped out at a local coffee shop with the manuscript, a pen, and a latte. Continue reading
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
Despite my recent silence in this space, I have not been idle. Work is proceeding on the forthcoming Trove Books edition of Jason Cosmo #1: Hero Wanted. You have already seen the new Jason Cosmo series logo.
I am also awaiting preliminary sketches from the cover artist, for what I am sure is going to be an amazing cover. Continue reading
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
Trove Books commissioned a new logo for the relaunch of the Jason Cosmo fantasy adventure series. Without futher ado, I present it to you here:
As you can see, it’s pretty awesome! Continue reading
UPDATED UPDATE 9/09: Beginner’s Luck is now available as a multi-format ebook from Smashwords. I’ve altered all the links below to point there.
UPDATE: Putting the link to my horror short story Beginner’s Luck at the top for those just arriving here.
Greetings, Loyal Reader!
How is Dan McGirt like Stephen King?
Well, we’re both authors. And there all resemblance ends.
Mr. King is the ridiculously prolific master of modern horror fiction. I am not. Continue reading