Free Jason Cosmo!

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Jason Cosmo was first published by NAL/Signet in 1989 and in the U.K. by Pan Books in 1990. My debut novel was a mass market paperback original — which is the equivalent of a movie going straight to DVD. I realize that hardback is considered more prestigious but, honestly, I’m not sure I would pay thirty bucks or more to read Jason Cosmo–and I wrote it! The Jason Cosmo series is unabashedly and unashamedly pop fiction, genre fiction, pulp fiction–take your pick. Continue reading

Jason Cosmo Cover Story, Part 3

A Note to Loyal Readers of the Future: From my blog stats I can tell that few people are reading the Jason Cosmo Update here in October of 2008. So chances are that if you’re reading this at all, you’re doing so in the distant future, perhaps in a time in which the Jason Cosmo books have become the basis for a new Golden Age of universal peace, prosperity, and astonishing artistic, scientific and technological wonders. I don’t know, because I haven’t written that particular book yet here in the present. What I do know if that this post provides answers to questions posed in the previous post Jason Cosmo Cover Story, Part 2. So you should read that one first. — Dan McGirt

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Pencils down!

Last time I invited you to find the errors in the back cover copy on the original edition of Jason Cosmo, of which there are at least seven. (Special thanks to the precisely one of you who shared your answers with the rest of us.) This time, as promised, I will reveal my answers. Some errors are straightforward and some are a question of interpretation, as you’ll see. Continue reading

Jason Cosmo Cover Story, Part 2

Greetings, Loyal Reader! Time to take another look at the original edition of Jason Cosmo. Run grab your copy from its treasured place in your safety deposit box, personal vault, or climate-controlled glass display case. I’ll wait.

Got it? Great! Previously, we considered the cover art by Richard Hescox. This time we’re going to focus on the words. Continue reading

Fantasy Women of Fantasy

Sapphrina and Rubis Corundum

Greetings, Loyal Reader. So one occasional complaint from some of my female friends who also happen to be Loyal Readers themselves is that there aren’t any strong female characters for them to identify with in Jason Cosmo. Continue reading

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy there, Loyal Reader! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! What has that to do with a landlubber like Jason Cosmo! Plenty! If you’ve read Dirty Work, then you’ll be knowing it’s stuffed to the bilges with pirates! Here, in honor of the day, is an excerpt. Continue reading

Jason Cosmo Cover Story

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Three artists have provided cover illustrations for the Jason Cosmo books published to date. For the U.S. editions, the Jason Cosmo and Royal Chaos covers were painted by noted fantasy artist Richard Hescox. I love these covers! Let’s look at the Jason Cosmo cover:

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Welcome to the Jason Cosmo Update

Greetings, Loyal Reader! You’ve found your way to the new and improved Jason Cosmo Update!

This is the place to come for all the latest news about the Jason Cosmo fantasy adventure series.

If you are a longtime Loyal Reader you have already met reluctant hero Jason Cosmo, the sullen wizard Mercury Boltblaster, sultry twins Sapphrina and Rubis, radiant Queen Raella and many other denizens of the Eleven Kingdoms.

If you have not entered the Cosmoverse before–despair not! You’ve arrived just in time. Continue reading