@JasonCosmo Makes List of "Best Authors on Twitter"

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

I’ll mention once again that I am on Twitter, twittering away about Jason Cosmo, writing, and other topics of interest (to me, at least). The link is  twitter.com/JasonCosmo

(Or, if you’re already hip to Twitter, I’m @JasonCosmo)

If you’ve been waiting for someone to validate the worth of my Twitter feed, then wait no more! @JasonCosmo was recently included on a list of  Literary Tweets: 100+ of the Best Authors on Twitter!

The list is at SocialTake.com (or maybe The Tech Town.com — same list on both. I have no idea which came first.) and was posted by one Cameron Chapman — who seems to post lots of lists. Which means Cameron is clearly one of the world’s leading experts on lists and who should be on them.

On behalf of — well, me — I humbly accept this prestigious listing. Moreover, I proclaim the list of 100+ of the Best Authors on Twitter to be one of the 100+ Best Lists of All Time. Thanks for including me, Cameron.

Check out the list — there are some interesting and entertaining authors on there (who are not me) whom I will be following on Twitter forthwith. You might want to as well.  And, hey — you can follow me while you’re at it!

(Of course, now I’ll be all self-conscious and wondering if I’m twittering list-worthy tweets.)

Best regards,

Dan McGirt