Editing Jason Cosmo: Hero Wanted

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Despite my recent silence in this space, I have not been idle. Work is proceeding on the forthcoming Trove Books edition of Jason Cosmo #1:  Hero Wanted. You have already seen the new Jason Cosmo series logo.

I am also awaiting preliminary sketches from the cover artist, for what I am sure is going to be an amazing cover.

In the meantime, I am occupied with the tedious, time-consuming (and too-long-delayed) task of copyediting the Hero Wanted manuscript … which means going through the entire 396 pages ((Don’t panic! That’s double-spaced manuscript pages, not book pages.)) line-by-line, examining every word, sentence and paragraph. I’m checking for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and continuity errors — and trying to remember the rules for proper use of semicolons, which I detest. It is slow going, but it must be done ere I turn the manuscript over to the typesetter. Until the task is complete, I will not be posting here so often — or not, at least, at great length.

But I will keep you updated on my progress–that is, after all, the whole point of the Jason Cosmo Update!

Best regards,

Dan McGirt