Jason Cosmo Cover Quiz — UK Edition

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

You might recall that we recently had a little fun at the expense of poor, overworked Cover Text Guy, who made a few errors — some forced,  some not — in describing Jason Cosmo on the back cover.  Now it is time to play the same game with CTG’s British counterpart, Cover Text Bloke!  Here is the descriptive copy from the back cover of the UK edition of Jason Cosmo.  How many mistakes can you find?


Here, if you can’t read the image, is the text:

Jason Cosmo was a humble woodcutter in the village of lower Hicksnittle on the northern fringes of Darnk, where a conversation about mottled pig pox in the Festering Wart Tavern was a major community event.

But the arrival of a foppish stranger who promptly tried to kill him, made Jason realize that there was more afoot in the magical Eleven Kingdoms of Arden than he’d previously suspected.

In neighboring Whiteswap, sipping carrot juice under the watchful eye of the Sanitary Police, Jason met the wizard Mercury Boltblaster — and learned some bad news.

The evil Dark Magic Society had placed a ten million gold crown on Jason’s head — and bounty hunters BlackMoon and Red Huntsman were on his trail. Was it a case of mistaken identity? Was there another Jason Cosmo? Or did he have something strangely wrong with his aura?

I won’t give a target number this time. I believe there are fewer errors in the British text — but it is not error free.

Bonus Question: Having read both descriptions of the same book, which do you prefer? ((Super Bonus Question: As a Loyal Reader pointed out last time we played this game, when taking others to task for textual errors, you set yourself up for extra scrutiny. How many errors can you find in this Update post? I’m not saying there are any — but I’m not saying there are not.))

Best regards,

Dan McGirt